"Roping Arrangement" by William Matthews -
Roping Arrangement Watercolor by William Matthews
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Roping Arrangement Watercolor by William Matthews - 1
Roping Arrangement Watercolor by William Matthews - 2

Roping Arrangement

William Matthews

Watercolor : Watercolor on Canvas
Size : 29x29 in  |  74x74 cm

Listing Info
Artist Bio


Hand SignedLower left 

Condition Excellent - The painting and frame are in excellent condition. 

Framed with PlexiglassTaupe wood frame, gold gilt cream matte 

Story / Additional InfoPurchased from the artist at his gallery (William Matthews Gallery) in LoDo area of Denver, 2001. 

Certificate of AuthenticityArt Brokerage 


William Matthews - United States

Art Brokerage: William Matthews American Artist: b. 1949. William Matthews was born in 1949 in New York City. He grew up in the Bay Area. His professional career began in Los Angeles, designing album covers for Warner Bros. and Capitol Records. He lived in Europe from 1975 to 1980. Upon his return to Colorado, he ran a graphic design studio until 1990 when he dedicated himself full time to painting. He is most well known for his portrayal of the working cowboys from the great ranches of the American west. The 1994 published monograph, Cowboys & Images: The Watercolors of William Matthews, chronicles a decade of the artist’s work devoted to this subject. In the fall of 2007, Chronicle Books of San Francisco released a second monograph dedicated to the subject matter entitled, William Matthews: Working the West. Listings wanted.

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