  • David Le Batard Lebo Bio Image
  • David Le Batard Lebo


    TArt Brokerage: Art Brokerage: Lebo Cuban-American Artist: b. 1972 2023 Lebo also known as David Le Batard (born November 19, 1972) is a Cuban-American graphic and fine artist who is best known for murals, live painting, and sculpture. He has been described as one of South Florida's "most recognizable artists", and "almost an institution" in the art world for his wide range of media, projects, and locations. LeBatard refers to his work as "postmodern cartoon art expressionism". He often depicts musicians and musical metaphors, inspired by street art and Cuban music. His visual style involves "soulful" line-based abstractions against bold flat color backgrounds. Much like the familiar characters of comic strips, Lebo's body of work includes signature "totems" that have evolved over time. The most recognized are his owls, which he finds fascinating due to their significance in various cultures throughout history. Like owls, cats appear throughout Lebo's oeuvre. He grew up with a cat as a pet, but didn't start including them in his art until he studied the art of Pablo Picasso. Listings wanted. artist Passed 2023.

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Wanted: David Le Batard Lebo

Original Painting: Any other works


Wanted: David Le Batard Lebo

All PaintingsOriginal Painting: Works on paper


Wanted: David Le Batard Lebo

Oils on CanvasOriginal Painting: Watercolors - Limited Edition Prints


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